To correct tear troughs, the treatment involves filling the tear trough area to elevate the indented or depressed area until it is flush with the lower lid and cheek. At Changes Plastic Surgery we use a variety of methods to correct tear troughs: Hollowing under the eye due to negative vector orbit
Restylane is the preferred under eye filler used at Changes Plastic Surgery. Restlane is comprised of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the human body and provides plumpness to the skin. In one office visit, Restylane can be injected into the tear trough hollows to fill the area and bring the darkness into the light. Restylane injected into the area can minimize the appearance of under eye bags for up to one year.
Fat injections :
Fat grafting provides longer lasting correction for under eye hollowing and bags. Fat is extracted from an area of the body (usually the stomach or thighs) by micro-liposuction. After purifying the fat, it is injected into the tear trough area to restore the convex curve from the lower lid to the cheek.
Flowers Tear Trough Implant:
For patients with severe hollowing or an anatomically negative vector orbit, the most reliable and effective way to correct tear troughs is the insertion of tear trough implants. A Flowers Tear Trough Implant is surgically placed underneath the lower eyelid and secured to the cheek bone providing a permanent structure for lifting the area and reducing the hollow and dark circles. Ultimately, a wide range of treatment options are available to help you improve deep tear trough hollows. Each option is both safe and effective, making it easy to find a treatment that fulfills your personal needs.