Acne scars are formed usually whenever there are bigger acne that have stayed on the skin for long or have been wrongly popped. They appear as depressions over the skin in many shapes,sizes and depths. The best way to avoid them is to treat the acne early and in a proper way.
Acne Scars
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What is Acne Scars ?
We treat scars like no one does with a multi angle approach. We use the best in class the fraxis duo machine which is a us-FDA approved machine. We combine or treat individually.
The first one is with a treatment called mnrf - microneedle radio-frequency.this is a treatment in which very fine gold plated needles go around 0.5-3.5 mm deep into the skin and help in re-modelling of collagen and thus help in reducing the scar depth and scar tissue.
The second one is a treatment called fractional co2 laser - It is a ablative technology which helps in skin resurfacing thus reducing the scar tissue as well as improving the skin texture.
The third one is injections-we have developed our own concoction that is injected into the scars that helps in reducing them faster. We also do p.r.p. for the scars
Peels - We also do peels to shoulder the scars in case of deeper scars.
Filers - This is a quick remedy for the scars in which a gel like substance is directly injected into the scars to lift them up.
Mesobotox - in a diluted way is injected into the scars to shrink and contract them instantly.
Our dermatologists can guide you with the best laser treatment possible for you depending on your skin type.
You can be rest assured that you are at the most advanced and trusted laser clinic in pune which follows strict protocols and authentic treatments only needed by you individually.
Before & After Acne Scar Treatment At Skin World Pune